Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bodie State Historic Park

These are some shots from October, 2009. The day was clear (too clear), warm, but very windy. Unfortunately, the timing worked out so we arrived at mid-day. Shot with my Hasselblad CFi 50mm on Kodak Plus-X, developed in Xtol and scanned.
"And now my comrades all are gone;
Naught remains to toast.
They have left me here in my misery,
Like some poor wandering ghost."


Monday, February 22, 2010

Will work for Food

I had a gig shooting women's college basketball last weekend. The venue is a true dungeon, so I needed to set up strobes. I took Jessica and Cheri with me to help set up and tear down. It was well worth the cost of a Subway sandwich and desert (shown below).